"The Stranger"  

Welcome to my site! (384,803 visitors)

House of Dreams
Why Zweig
Footsteps EP
Running Out of Time

Song Writer- Singer- Guitarist

WELCOME TO THE RIC ZWEIG WEBSITE.  I am delighted you stopped to visit.  Take advantage of all the free features on the site.  To hear free samples click on our LISTEN page.  But better yet, if you scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on our Electronic Press Kit (EPK) you will be able to listen or download full versions of our latest music.  Free is always good.  Our music BLOG page is updated every Sunday, 50 times a year and is probably the most popular feature on the site.  The PHOTO gallery also seems to be a favorite with visitors and offers compelling evidence that being a singer/songwriter is more fun than being a criminal court judge.  You can also catch up on the latest Ric Zweig news and live shows by hitting our GIGS and NEWS pages.  We would love to hear from you, so please hit us up on our CONTACT page.  Thanx again,  sincerely,  Ric    p.s.  Oh, I almost forgot to mention our You Tube video, "The Dark Light" recorded with Vito Tuxedo, having received more than 7,700 views, immediately below these words.  Check it out, but wait until the song now playing "The Stranger"" finishes, otherwise you'll have two at the same time.  Thanx again and again...


 Watch The Dark Light by Vito Tuxedo and Ric Zweig

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  • Posted: 04/13/2019

    ANOTHER GIG TO REPORT: This time we will be performing SOLO at the HOLLYBROOK AUDITORIUM in Pembroke Pines, Florida on FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, 2019. Our set begins promptly at 8 pm. C u there. RZ

  • Posted: 04/13/2019

    GIG NEWS: The debut of 'THE Ric Zweig BAND' will take place on FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, 2019 at MICKEYS TIKI BAR in Pompano Beach, Florida. Showtime is at 10:30 pm. C u there. RZ

  • Posted: 04/13/2019

    GIG NEWS: The debut of 'THE Ric Zweig BAND' will take place on FRIDA, APRIL 26th, 2019 at MICKEYS TIKI BAR in Pompano Beach, Florida. Showtime is at 10:30 pm. C u there. RZ

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